To put it briefly: homeopathy cannot not be successful. Not not successful. Because the whole system is structured in such a way that successes are always attributed to homeopathy, but failures to circumstances outside of homeopathy. So within the system of homoeopathy it is not possible that homoeopathy does not work. If one leaves this system - it is obvious that it does not work, as dozens, if not hundreds of studies and scientific as well as logical arguments have long since proven. In the following, we will show how homeopathy works.
Initial worsening
Since homeopathic remedies are supposed to have such a strong effect, a worsening of the symptoms is to be expected first after taking a preparation. However, if there is no initial worsening, this is not a sign that the remedy is not working, but is to be expected as well. Both courses are therefore to be expected.
The talk about the initial worsening is almost perfidious for the following reason: If you go to a homeopath with the flu, you have usually already been ill for a few days. Before there is an improvement, the flu symptoms can of course worsen even more, before they then recede on their own due to the self-healing powers of the person. If the symptoms go away without an initial worsening (because you only went to the homeopath at the end of the flu illness...) - homeopathy is of course also responsible for this. This works perfectly for short illnesses. But homeopathy also knows a similar system for more chronic courses.
only one right remedy
In homeopathy there are over 20,000 different remedies, which are also presented in different "potencies" - i.e. a total of several 100,000 possible preparations - and more are being added all the time. The more preparations there are, however, the more "demanding" it becomes to find the only correct remedy from this variety that fits the patient exactly. It is obvious that this almost impossible task does not always work out, or at least not right away.
So it can take a long time to a very long time to find the right remedy. It is a trial and error process, whereby all the remedies administered can possibly be correct. However, over a longer period of time, even without therapy, it can be assumed that there will be a spontaneous improvement of the symptoms. If this happens, this is supposedly proof of the effectiveness of homeopathy. If this does not happen - the right remedy has still not been found or the patient has violated further rules (cf. prohibitions and commandments below).
If ten remedies are tried on a patient and the first nine do not work, this is not an indication for the homeopath that the first nine did not work. Failures are simply not counted, as this simply means that the doctor has not yet found the right remedy.
This is because in homeopathy there is not one remedy for a headache, for example, but a remedy that is exactly tailored to the individual person. But this makes it impossible to show that a remedy does not work - because a failure always applies only to the individual person.
So either a cure occurs, which happens to be during the homeopathic therapy and supposedly proves the effectiveness of homeopathy. Or the patient gives up at some point and thus bears the responsibility for the failure, because he has simply had too little patience - or has violated rules. The homeopathic remedy, however, cannot logically be ineffective in this system!
In this system, failures cannot even occur and are therefore not counted, hits, on the other hand, are always blamed on homeopathy, which is why homeopathy seems to be so incredibly successful. It actually only produces hits! However, this is only based on a deception.
Disorder due to "allopathic" remedies
Of course, even a homeopath has to admit at some point after long attempts without improvement that he cannot find the right remedy. But this is not blamed on the homoeopathic preparation - this is quasi "infallible". Rather, the reasons are sought elsewhere.
For example, homeopathic remedies are allegedly not compatible or only poorly compatible with allopathic remedies, as "orthodox" or conventional medicines based on scientific criteria are often called by homeopaths. So anyone who has taken antibiotics and the like at the same time (or even earlier, for example as a child!) must reckon with the fact that homeopathy no longer works or only works to a limited extent!
The reason for this is probably that when "normal" medicines are taken, the healing successes are not attributed to the homeopathic remedy - and they thus implicitly have a worse effect.
Prohibitions and commandments
However, it is not only "allopathic" medicines that are said to be incompatible with homeopathy, but there are many other things. For example, someone who likes to drink coffee or alcohol should avoid it, certain homeopathic remedies have to be taken before or after eating, before or after brushing the teeth, and there are many other rules. A list of all the things that should be avoided during homeopathic therapy is very impressive, as an extract from Hahnemann's Organon shows (Organon §260). Add to this list the several hundred thousand possible ways of administering homeopathic remedies and it is actually factually impossible for homeopathy to work at all. How is someone supposed to adhere to all the "prohibitions" and find exactly the right remedy? But if a remedy works, all this is forgotten and the effect is attributed to the homeopathic remedy.
If the homoeopathic remedy does not respond over a longer period of time, the blame can thus be attributed to some such factor. Hardly anyone manages to follow all the prescriptions - but this in turn means that homeopathy is not responsible for failures, but success is in any case attributed to homeopathy, which often works even though one has drunk coffee!...
Encourage a healthier lifestyle
Those who drink less alcohol or coffee, give up smoking because of the homeopath or do more sport, in other words, those who live healthier, may actually experience an improvement in their symptoms. However, this has nothing to do with homeopathy, but with changing one's lifestyle.
improved mood
The placebo effect and possibly also the self-esteem is also strongly promoted by the conversation with the homeopath, by the fact that he or she has a long conversation and is interested in the patient. The effect is strengthened in many people by the fact that they feel confirmed that they are somehow particularly sensitive or sensible, because the homeopathic remedies seem to have an effect. If homeopathy has managed to be perceived as positive, additional psychological effects come into play. Thus, mostly only confirmations are registered and all those cases are ignored where a homoeopathic remedy did not help, even the smallest positive changes are evaluated as great progress. Once one starts to believe in a certain system, many people only look for confirmations, since the belief is not to be questioned, or can even be questioned.
Similar effects can also explain successes with plants, animals and children. In animals and children, the placebo effect certainly plays a role, but the effects are often over-interpreted and alternative explanations for the healing successes are not even considered ("Homoeopathy: Argumentarium).